Yippie Boys

Holy fucking hell. I was in Santa Cruz the past two days and was the biggest mind slut ever. I didn't even realise I was saying vulgar things out loud until Tevye and Lux pointed it out. Apparently, I was repeatedly saying something along the lines of "wanting to fuck every guy on campus." Oh, and while in earshot of some possible students to boot. But it's chill because everything about that city is chill. (And Alessandro says it's because they all want my poon anyway.) So 'tis all good.

Like, the minute we stepped onto the scene, there was a large crowd of over thirty walking to Oakes that invited to us a party. And one knows when there's any mention of any partying, Lux and Tevye are down, down, down. So we followed the masses in the back. And there, some friendly with Ray Bans and cottonmouth chatted me up about the suspension of his major and the wrongness of the man. And all his friends were saying the same thing until we reached the "party," which turned out to be a mass protest. I swear I fell in love with every boy that moment. But, unfortunately, le party twins got bored and we explored the rest of the city, where we ran into uncool yet hot European boys and racist douchebags. Fun.